Philippines Vol.3 Alumni A Change for the Better by Christine Abigail C. Tolentino by Christine Abigail C. Tolentino - 01/02/2021
Thailand Vol.3 Alumni How Covid-19 changed our life and ideal post Covid-19 society in my mind by Visavachit Pongsanun by Visavachit Pongsanun - 01/02/2021
Indonesia Vol.2 Alumni The Importance Of Being Aware Of Taxes To Achieve The Country’s Development Targets by Hana Delia Sowiyk by Hana Delia Sowiyk - 02/02/2021
Cambodia Vol.5 Alumni Thinking about Climate Change under this Covid-19 era by Pichchanrathna Vorn by Pichchanrathna Vorn - 03/02/2021
Philippines Vol.1 Alumni Looking Back at Our Future by Mark Ulysis I. Romulo by Mark Ulysis I. Romulo - 26/02/2021