Alumni Voice


“How do I expect the world to develop after Covid-19?”

Chidtawan Maroseh


Hi, I’m Anish Chidtawan TYCA Vol. 5 from Thailand. In many past months we faced a huge change in our family, community and life style all around the world. We never though of huge changing and it can ruin our life, because of Covid-19. In my country , We don’t really have many cases of Covid-19 infected person from the beginning until now, it’s almost gone, The reasons that number of infected person in my country is not far more because most of us are take it strictly and serious. We did lock down for a few months, no one came out if it’s not necessary but except shopping for food and sustenance. From the beginning my town is quite composed after sunset but because of Covid-19 situation, my hometown started to composed all the time. Because of this situation every where had been closed and yes, school are closed, too. We had to study by online classes which is so boring and cut down our own discipline. How its cut down our discipline? Simply, Internet in my home country is not really good in many places, including my hometown. It’s spent too much time to connect to online classes or teachers. We used to connect to online classes for at least 15 minutes. I’m so glad we can go to school now. When we were lock down, I mostly spent time as usual as my Saturday and Sunday routine but it was a golden time to read more books, so I had read much kind of books that I like and also study book that I have to read hahaha. I also spent time on my hobbies drawing, painting, listening to music and watching movies for improve my languages skills. When I went out for shopping or my business, every shops always had the alcohol hand sanitizer or hand gel for customers to clean their hand before go in side the shop or the place. Which is so good and we should done this for our daily life even it’s not in Covid-19 situation anymore. Because bacteria are invisible and you can’t find them so we have to keep our body clean before touch or go out to public. And the most important daily use is face mask! You can’t go out anywhere without face mask. Thai people really strict about wearing face mask, this is why we don’t have lots of Covid-19 infected person in our country. I used to caution my dad’s customers to always wear face mask during talking to my dad. I did that because we have to protect each other from the Virus Normally, my mom cooks for us on Friday, Saturday and Sunday because it’s quite free to cooks big meal for family on that day but during Covid-19 situation, my mom cooked for us everyday! This made us spent more time together as family.

How do I expect the world to develop after covid-19? As I said during Covid-19 situation every shops or places started to have a hand gel or alcohol hand sanitizer service for customers to clean their hands before go in the shops or places. I really want every shops and places keep doing this very good service because it’s a standard cleanliness that we should keep doing it! Second about the face mask, normally Thai people not really wear face mask but when I was in Japan for TYCA (2019) I saw a lot of Japanese wear face mask and I think its going to be good way to protect yourself and others from dust and pollution, so I want all of us keep wearing face mask when we go outside. And the kind of society I want after Covid-19 is definitely going to base on standard cleanliness. Because standard cleanliness is a basic thing that every places should have. Normally shops or places not usually clean up very often including floor or tools that they use but because of Covid-19 situation they clean up more often. I want them to keep doing this.                                          

I think all of us had learn so many things from Covid-19 situation whether careful more about what you eat in daily life, standard hygienic, basic discipline to live with other people in society etc. I hope to see a better society or community after covid-19 and also which knowledges that I got from TYCA can develop my society or community, I will do my best! Thank you TYCA for good opportunity, so I can share my situation during Covid-19 to others!

こんにちは、第五回TYCAの参加者で、タイのアニッシュ・チッタワンです。この数ヶ月の間に、私たちは世界中で家族、コミュニティ、そしてライフスタイルの大きな変化に直面しました。私たちは、Covid-19のせいで、大きな変化が私たちの人生を台無しにするとは思ってもいませんでした。私の国では、当初から今に至るまで、Covid-19の感染例があまりありません。ほぼ、制圧されたと言えます。私たちの国の感染者の数がはるかに少ない理由は、国民のほとんどがCovid-19を厳格にかつ深刻に受け止めたからです。数ヶ月間は、必要がなければ誰も外に出ないようにしていました。外出したのは食料や日用品の買い出しの時だけでした。最初から私の町は日没後はとても落ち着いていたのですが、Covid-19禍では、それ以外の時間帯でも町が非常に落ち着いていました。どこでもそうだったように、全てが閉鎖され、もちろん学校も閉鎖されてしまいました。私たちはオンライン授業で勉強しなければならず、とてもつまらなかったです。そして、オンライン授業では規律を保つことが本当に難しかったです。なぜ、オンライン授業で規律を保つのが難しかったのでしょうか?簡単に言うと、私の国のインターネットは、私の故郷を含め、多くの場所であまり良くありません。オンライン授業や先生と繋がるのに時間がかかりすぎているのです。オンライン授業に接続するのに最低でも15分はかかっていました。今は学校に通えるようになって本当に良かったです。ロックダウンされていた時も、ほとんどいつも通りに土日を過ごしていました。私は元々本をたくさん読んでいたのですが、このコロナ渦でさらに本を読むようになり、それは至福の時間となりました。多岐に渡るジャンルの中から、好きな本をたくさん読んだり、読まなくてはいけない参考書を読んだりしていました(笑)。他にも絵を描いたり、色塗りをしたり、音楽を聴いたり、語学力向上のために映画を観たりして、趣味の時間を過ごしました。買い物や所用で出かけると、どこのお店にも必ずアルコール手指消毒液やハンドジェルが置いてありました。これはとても良いことで、今はもうCovid-19が猛威を振るっている状況ではないにしても、私たちの日常生活の中で続けるべき習慣だと思います。細菌は目に見えないし、ヒトが見つけることができないので、何かに触ったり、公共の場に出かける前に、私たちの体を清潔に保つ必要があります。そして毎日使うもので一番大事なのはマスクです!マスクなしではどこにも出かけられません。タイ人はマスクを着用することに本当に厳格で、これが私たちの国に多くの感染者が出ていない理由です。私は父の顧客に、父と話している間は常にマスクを着用するように注意していました。なぜならば、私たちはウイルスからお互いを守らなければならないからです。 通常、母は金曜日、土曜日、日曜日に私たちのために料理をしてくれます。週末は家族のために大皿料理を作るための時間が確保できるからです。しかし、コロナ禍においては母は毎日私たちのために料理をしてくれています!そのおかげで、家族と一緒に過ごす時間が増えました。



Keywords : Family Ties / Hygiene / Reading
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