Alumni Voice


“For an Inclusive World”

Yui Miyauchi

High School student

Good and Bad, Right and False, General and Unique, Rich and Poor, Developing and Developed; there are many pairs of words with opposite meanings that assess things, and people often use these terms. However, who is responsible for drawing a line between the two, or how were these criteria generated despite the world having geographical, cultural, and racial diversity? The COVID-19 pandemic was the first time when the world recognized the same thing, the spread of viruses, as the most urgent issue to tackle and took the same measure like a lockdown. This global response revealed inequality both within the nation and between nations. Usually, rich people get better medical treatment than the poor, and developing countries struggle with the lack of pharmaceuticals and medical technology than developed ones. The COVID-19 tells us that the world has to focus on eliminating inequality more than ever before so that every person accepts diversity, and every nation has enough power to guarantee the safety of its citizens’ lives. After the pandemic would be settled, I expect a world where all people worldwide are guaranteed to meet the standard of living.

Causes of inequality and solutions to fight it

This paper aims to provide how the world should improve after assessing the rooted causes of inequality. First, there are two types of inequality: between individual persons and between nation-states.

The inequality between individuals

The difference in social status and the asset connect to the inequality between individuals. For example, amid the pandemic, the quality of medical support depends on individual wealth. Economically weak people are struggling to receive any high-quality services in almost all capitalist countries. Though this kind of inequality seems to be attributed only to the economic cycle based on capitalism, there is a people’s way of thinking behind it. Jean-Jacques Rousseau mentions in his book, “Discourse on Inequality,” that people lost freedom since they started using objective evaluations to measure how happy or successful they are. The evaluations can be simply classified into two extreme sides. This is why there are plenty of word-pairs with the opposite meaning, like the ones illustrating initially. At the very beginning, it is considered that there was no superiority or inferiority between the two because humans had lived following their hearts, the same as animals. However, fixed ideas or biases always constrain us unknowingly because different environments and human relationships raised people up. After that the culture of looking at other people and measuring themselves by comparing with them erupted, the society was created. The original founders of the society also had their preferences, tendencies, and other personal traits. Because they created the “rules” and “laws,” people who have different perspectives find it hard to live in that society. From this perspective, overcoming biases and understanding different point of views are essential things to do for each of us. It is a simple thing for every person regardless of where they live and who they are. Although it appears to be boring since it does not require political or other big forces, the individual actions, when collected together, have the most influence. The fact that wearing masks prevents the viruses from rapidly invading the world clearly shows that collective individual efforts have the potential to change the significant flow and enhance society. If every member of the world individually embraced diversity, a community possessing impartial views would be born definitely. To break through circumstances where one part of people receive significant merits, it is required for everyone to polish a sense of diversity and proliferate it.

The inequality between nations

Next, the pandemic laid bare the apparent gap in power between countries. For example, after some developed countries constrained the export of medicine during the pandemic, countries that import medicines from them struggled with the epidemic of AIDs, the second disaster. This indicates that it is challenging for vulnerable countries to maintain countries’ security if the world simultaneously faces the same issue. This status quo is attributed to neoliberalism. Under neoliberalism, instead of developed countries aiding the developing countries, the developing ones belong to the international organization that the developed ones lead. Typically, it works efficiently on the surface because both nations can fulfill their national interests. However, the developing country loses sufficient power to sustain the country if the developed country prioritized protecting their citizens’ safety when such a worldwide disaster as this pandemic hits. The critical point here is that some developing countries cannot even support their own citizens’ lives. The world has to abolish the dependency chain and cooperate to raise the level of developing countries. At least, the world needs to continue working on it until all countries become able to protect their citizens by themselves. Concretely, the reform of international organizations can be efficient. In international organizations, every member has to be equal in their voting rights, regardless of their wealth and economy. If all countries having equal powers constituted the organization, they would be able to cooperate with each other in order for developing countries to reach the minimum level. After no one suffers from obtaining the standard of living anywhere, the world will be able to completely concentrate on other issues. Finally, it will help the industry and technology to develop at a global level. 


In conclusion, the pandemic and the global response against it have revealed the potential inequality between individuals and between nations. It suggested the challenges to the next generation: how individual persons can overcome the dilemma between their own profits and idealism, and how nations can break through the dilemma between national interest and universalism. These are what we, as the next generation, have to resolve. However, the world is not desperate enough. The pandemic also taught us a good point: solidarity and connection disseminating the world are so strong that every country on every continent can contact and take appropriate measures simultaneously. Therefore, if each of us embraced diversity and every country gained the ability to independently guarantee citizens’ security, the world would be able to confront any tragedy as one team. The global response has the potential to solve other worldwide severe issues, for instance, global warming. As one of the world’s members in the next generation, I will start by acquiring various ways of thinking and spreading the necessity of understanding different views. “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” We, ourselves, are the only ones who can untie chains and make use of the experiences to strive for a better world. To unite the world, I call for each of you to openly accept how a person next to you is thinking, even if it is far different from what you think.










「人は生まれながらにして自由であるが、至る所で鎖につながれている」 鎖をつなぎ合わせ、その経験を生かして、より良い世界を目指すことができるのは、私たち、自分自身だけなのです。世界を一つにするために、隣の人がどう考えているのか、たとえそれが自分の考えとはかけ離れたものであっても、それを素直に受け入れることを、私は一人一人に呼びかけます。

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