“Be stronger than how you are: Hope – Renewal – Resurrection”
Hua Thuy Trang
From time I was born to now, this is first time we could face up with Covid-19 which is already testing us in ways most of us have never previously experienced, providing emotional and economic shocks that we are struggling to rise above.
Vietnam as other countries in the worlds is on 3 waves of the covid-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented challenge to public health, economic systems and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating: millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty. Confinement is fostering the tension and strain created by security, health, and money worries. And in parallel, as health systems are stretching to breaking point, a service deficit made worse when centres are repurposed for additional covid-response. Vietnam most difficult challenging circumstances that we have experienced in the 2 traditional new year holidays. I am very encouraged to see that Viet Nam has begun to introduce and roll out policy packages to stimulate the economy and support enterprises, jobs and incomes. Yes, there may be rooms for improvement. 1) stimulating the economy and employment, 2) supporting enterprises, jobs and incomes, and 3) protecting workers in the workplace. Such policy framework will enhance post covid-19 recovery by limiting harms to people and minimizing threats to future growth potential.
TYCA alumni and Asean young generation of people in organizations and communities could played a critical role in preventing and responding to previous crises and need to be supported strongly in their current frontline role including with funding that remains in the longer-term. Helplines, psychosocial support and online counselling should be boosted, using technology-based solutions such as social network, online tools and community networks to expand social support. The young generation also has an important role to play, sharing information, alerting friends to the facts and the dangers of domestic situation and encouraging positive steps like sharing care responsibilities at home to overcome the current Covid-19 situations and achieve the individual goals or dreams.
I want to emphasize three points to expect the ASEAN and Japan can work together to cope with Covid-19 and create the new future.
First, under the current situation, members are likely to accelerate layoffs, which have already started. If unchecked, these layoffs will magnify the social crisis and resulting downward spiral. It is critical to focus on maintaining jobs and ensuring safe and healthy workplaces, by directing the Government’s support to businesses that carry out various measures to retain employment and protect workers’ health through healthy work arrangements. This will help to slow down and minimize the shock of employment crisis. In doing so, it is important to have social dialogue between enterprises and workers, and between both of them and the Government for gradual adjustment to jobs, working hours and wage incomes based on mutual understanding. Social dialogue can create trust and confidence in policies and measures taken by the Government and enterprises, minimizing possibility of social instability. This will help the economy bounce back once covid-19 comes under control.
Now I want to come back to the relation between of job retention, safe business and boosting service industry. For instance, rotation of workforce every other day can help to both retain workers and practise social distancing. Or under staggered working time arrangements, some factory workers may start their shift at 7am, others at 11am, and the rest at 3pm. It can ensure social distancing not only at the factory but also in the streets during the commute. It can also generate positive impacts on, for example, service industries, as workers may go to restaurants and grocery stores at different time slots according to their staggered working time arrangements, which ensures increased number of customers and social distancing at those places. It promotes safe business, facilitates job retention and boosts domestic consumption at the same time.
Second, it is important to minimize the impacts of various containment measures on micro enterprises, family business and rural agricultural communities. These are the businesses that sustained Viet Nam during the wars and economic crises in the past. However, the current pandemic and social distancing measures is causing a heavy strain on their capacity to absorb economic and social shocks. When there is an abrupt collapse of global demand for Vietnamese goods and services, or a disruption of global supply chains, millions of micro enterprises, family businesses and rural farming community provide subsistence support. Therefore it is urgent to allow them to play their roles at this critical juncture, with Government’s support.
Third, as I mentioned, social protection should remain a priority of stimulus packages, including the future ones, to reinforce the measures already taken to protect people and their livelihoods. Now it is time to take a balanced approach to this dual crisis. On public health front, Viet Nam has proven to be one of the best countries in the world. It is time to prove that the nation is equally excellent in addressing economic, social and labour market challenges. I have the confidence that Viet Nam can do it. The international members from TYCA will provide all available support.
As the covid-19 pandemic continues, this number is likely to grow with multiple impacts on human wellbeing, reproductive health, their mental health, and their ability to participate and lead in the recovery of our societies and economy. We must not only survive the coronavirus, but emerge renewed, with human as a powerful force at the centre of recovery.
Now is the time for global solidarity and support, especially with the most vulnerable in our societies, particularly in the emerging and developing world. Only together can we overcome the intertwined health and social and economic impacts of the pandemic and prevent its escalation into a protracted humanitarian and food security catastrophe, with the potential loss of already achieved development gains. After TYCA camp, we must rethink the future of our environment and tackle climate change and environmental degradation with ambition and urgency. Only then can we protect the health, livelihoods, food security and nutrition of all people, and ensure that our ‘new normal’ is a better one.
ベトナムは、世界の他の国々と同様にCovid-19パンデミックの第三波の渦中にあります。パンデミックはこれまでにない課題を私たちに突き付けました。公衆衛生、経済体制そして社会的混乱により、私たちは疲弊させられています。何百万人もの人々が、極度の貧困に陥る危機にさらされています。安全や健康そして金銭的なことに対する懸念はストレスや緊張感を生み出し、それがロックダウンされた社会に漂っています。並行して、医療システムが限界点に到達しようとするにつれて、医療部門に関する赤字が悪化しています。それは、ある施設が増え続ける感染者対応のために、感染者専用施設に作り替えられているような事情も関係しています。ベトナムは2つの伝統的な新年の休日において最も困難な時に直面していました。私はベトナムが経済を活性化させようとしていることや、雇用面、収入面そして企業に対する支援に乗り出しているので、とても前向きな気持ちになっています。改善の余地はあるように思いますが。1) 経済と雇用を促進すること 2)企業、雇用、所得を支援すること 3)職場の労働者を保護すること 労働者を保護するような枠組みを作ることで、コロナ後の復興を強化することができるでしょう。それは、人々に対する影響を最小限に抑えることや、将来の成長の可能性に対する脅威を最小限に抑えることが含まれます。
ここで、雇用の維持、安全なビジネス、サービス産業の活性化の関係に戻りたいと思います。例えば、1日おきに労働者の配置を変えることは、雇用の維持と社会的な距離(ソーシャルディスタンス)を保つために有効です。あるいは、時差勤務の取り決めの下では、ある工場の労働者は午前 7 時から、他の労働者は午前 11 時から、残りの労働者は午後 3 時からシフトを開始するようなケースもあるでしょう。これにより、工場内だけでなく、通勤中においても、社会的な距離感を保つことができるのです。また、時差通勤は例えばサービス産業に関わる人達にとってもプラスの影響を与えることができます。それは、時差通勤をしている労働者が結果として、外食をしたり、買い物に行ったりする時間が分散されることになるからです。そういった試みによって、レストランや市場のような場所での顧客数の増加と社会的な距離を確保することができるのです。これは、安全なビジネスを促進し、雇用の維持を容易にし、同時に国内消費を促進することになのです。