Alumni Voice


“TYCA and my Future Vision”

Kota Watanabe

University student (Political Science and Economics)

Despite numerous constraints brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a fairly productive year for me. Entrance ceremonies were cancelled, and classes continue to be conducted online. One thing I can say for sure is, that I was not able to spend my first year in a Japanese University in the “normal and ideal” way.

Although I was forced to give up on various opportunities, quarantining gave me new opportunities. Apart from attending online classes, playing the guitar and walking my dog, I had a lot of time to deeply reflect on myself and think about the future. I was able to further shape my vague future plans, and take possible actions in this limited environment.

Studying political science and economics at Waseda University so far has been an eye-opening, invigorating experience. I enjoy taking classes on International Politics/Relations, which was a motive for me to apply to my current department. I am currently familiarizing myself with precise definitions and theories presented by past scholars on topics I had been interested in since high school.

I was especially fascinated by the idea of applying scientific methods to political studies, both domestic and international. Ever since discussing global issues with fellow members of TYCA vol.4, I felt deep down in my heart, that realization of practical cooperation is close to impossible. Each country has national interests which cannot be compromised, and disputes over territories, nuclear armament, and ideologies seem to never end. However, various scientific approaches including the application of game theory, or “the bargaining model of war” hints the pragmatic possibility of international negotiation and cooperation. These were groundbreaking insights, which changed my view on international relations.

As for other efforts I am making toward my future goal, I am taking extensive courses on law outside of university. Familiarizing myself with the very basics of Administrative law, Civil Codes, and the Constitution has been challenging so far. Knowledge on legislation is necessary to pass the civil servants’ examination in Japan, and is a practical expertise required as a civil servant.

“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” which we have learned in TYCA is an initiative to tackle global issues. Therefore, nations must stand side by side, and work for these goals. It is without saying that diplomacy is a crucial method in achieving this. TYCA has definitely shaped who I am, as well as my future aspirations. Discussing the vision of Japan-ASEAN cooperation and SDGs with intelligent minds from around Southeast Asia was not only a learning experience, but I personally found it interesting and rewarding. I hope to continue making full use of what I learned and gained in this community, to pursue my dream of promoting stability and prosperity on a global scale.








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