“New Normal of Family”
Yuri Suzuki
University student (Faculty of Law)
I became a university student in 2020. If Covid-19 did not occur, my university life would have started as normal in April. I was looking forward to go to the campus and take classes with new friends. However, I could not go to the campus in April as usual. Entrance ceremony was called off, and finally we had no chance to go to the campus until October. At that time, I was worried about everything around me, because I did not know how to take classes and how to make new friends. In May, the online classes started, but I did not get used to take online classes, so I was struggling with take part in zoom classes. Also, professor gave us a lot of assignment as if we did not get used to the university studies with online classes and we did not have friends who we could study or talk with. These are my current situation with Covid-19. My life style has changed to online based.
Spread of infection by Covid-19 virus, online systems became popular than before, and we are able to meet online easily using video call. However, I feel the importance of face-to-face communication by using online communication tools. Moreover, I appreciate for the normal life. I realized that how precious our daily life is. Before this situation, I did not appreciate for my daily life which I could see my friends freely and study at school with live classes.
From October, I am able to go to the campus once a week to participate in the Spanish class. Also, I joined the dance club in May. The club continued dancing with video call application, but finally the club started to practice at university in autumn, so I can sometimes go to the campus and meet with my friends in person. This is ordinary school life before Covid-19 occurred, but it is precious chances for me now.
I keep doing what I can do even if I can do it only online. Online classes are hard, and online dancing is so difficult, but I am coping with these situations by deriving a way to keep active.
2020 was the hard year for everyone, but I think there were something good. That is, we could spend time with our family longer than before. I was so worried about my university life so I was nervous, but my family supported me a lot. This became emotional supports for me. I realized again how important a family is. There are many people who feel happy to spend time with their family. Spending long time at home family might be hard, but that is why we have more consideration to family members. Of cause doing everything on online like we experienced 2020 is hard and it is not realistic, but online systems will be more general after our normal life returns. So, I think more people spend time at home longer, and the values of “family time” will be increased.
It is said that Japanese work too much. In foreign countries, people work less time than Japan and they think that spending time for their own or family is more important than working. So, this changes of the working way that was caused by Covid-19 was good chance for Japanese to rethink what is important for them.
Some research said that valuing family time makes good effects for children’s education and mental health. People who have enough time to talk with their family feel peace of mind and as the frequency of talking with their family decreases, the proportion of people who feel peace of mind tends to decrease. Furthermore, family time gives children a sense of security. It helps to increase of self-affirmation.
For these reasons, I think balancing family time with work life will be more important topic in the near future. More and more people will be put emphasis on spending family time longer than working. Especially for people who have a small child, spending more time for their family gives good effects for their child. After Covid-19 occurred, people tended to rely on using online systems. That is why I think It is important how we spend time significantly in time for face-to-face communication.
Spreading of infection by Covid-19 virus, “new normal” of family changed. 2020 was a hard year, but I think it was a year that could make good use in our lives in the future in terms of creating new values. I, myself, want to think how I use my time. I would like to treasure time which I spend with my family. At last, I appreciate for all people who are fighting with the unknown virus and hope that things get back to normal as soon as possible. Also, I hope everyone can stay safe.