Alumni Voice


“My Yet-To-Be Formalized Idea for Better Prediction”

Soya Hagiwara

University student (Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Physics)

The pandemic will no doubt change the world as we know. And there are many speculations on how it is going to change. Many say the transition to digitalized economy accelerates, they also say centralization to big cities might reverse, etc. But nothing is for certain. Then, I thought ‘Machine learning may provide quite accurate prediction in certain domains where there are lot of past data. But what if we wanted make a prediction in other domains undergoing transformation?’. Let me give you a historical example of this problem.

If one could name the first quantitative and convincing prediction, that would be Malthus’ work. He stated that population increases geometrically, meaning the way it increases like a compound interest. On the other hand, he thought production of subsistence only grow in arithmetically, meaning its growth is like a simple interest. So, he concluded that the population inevitably outgrows subsistence, leading to large scale poverty.

However, this didn’t actually happen. The economic growth since the industrial revolution was so phenomenal that we actually got richer. What happened was that he couldn’t predict the rate at which economy can grow. He was possessed by the idea that economy can only grow in arithmetically, which is a quite reasonable assumption, if you had analyzed the data available at that time (18th century in England). Predicting the future from the past is erroneous, when groundbreaking shift is on the way.

Again, that’s the problem I was thinking. Can we still make a valid prediction, while such change is under way? If we can, how is it done? The solution that I thought is to, firstly, create a model that applies in the current state, secondly, calculate deviation of the real-word data from theoretical data, and lastly, spot the factor causing the deviation and adjust the model. In Malthus’ case, it is true that he failed in predicting the future, but he could have noticed the game-changing effect of industrial revolution by comparing the real-world data to his theory. And correct his theory, accordingly, making a more valid prediction.

Mere thought is nothing, the solution might turn out to be meaningless. I must pursue its possibility by actively practicing it. To do so, physics and programming may be helpful. They both presents a type of model which is applicable to the real-world.

Physics describe natural phenomenon with mathematical model. For example, there is an infection model called Kermack-McKendrick model (a.k.a. KM model). It is a system which consists of three variables: S, I and R. Each variable stands for the number of people who are susceptible to the disease, infected with the disease and recovered from the disease. In the model in its simplest form, these variables have the following relationship with one another.

There are two fundamental change which occurs in a pandemic. One is people becoming sick. The rate at which susceptible person gets ill is thought to be proportional to S and I. (the more susceptible or infected people in a city, the more likely that a susceptible person meets the an infected person). Hence the first equation. The other fundamental change which occurs in epidemic is people recovering from infection. The rate at which this happen is thought to be proportional to I. Hence the third equation. The second equation is about the rate of change in I, so it is mixture of the two fundamental changes. 

There are another type of model: Multi-Agent Simulation (a.k.a. MAS). MAS is a just set of rules, which will be run by a computer. For example, the image below is a simple simulation of infection with MAS. For this one used Python, a programming language.

Individual person is represented with a moving dot, and the colour indicates stage of infection. The structure of this simulation is quite simple. I just made the following rules and run the equivalent program on my computer.

  • When a black dot (susceptible person) gets close enough to red dot (infected person), the black dot becomes infected.
  • A red dot turns into a blue dot (recovered person) after a specific amount of time.
  • Each dot moves at a constant speed.
  • When a person hits the wall, he deflects in a random direction.

Thus far, we have seen two types of model: mathematical model and MAS. My idea is that we can detect the change in the real world, by calculating deviation of the real-world data from the theoretical data based on mathematical model and MAS. As for the examples of infection model which I presented, they cannot account for endemic, which is a situation where the disease constantly finds new hosts and therefore stably exits. They both always end up in explosive epidemic and the disease slowly gets eradicated as shown below, because it cannot find new susceptible hosts.

The graph on the left(or above on smartphone) is the result of infection simulation using Kermack-Mckendrick model. In order to simulate it in the computer, the difference equation version of KM model was used with the timestepΔt= 0.1. And conditions of the simulation were as follows:
β=0.0001, γ=0.01,
initial value of S=1000,

The graph on the left(or above on smartphone) is the result of infection simulation using MAS. And conditions of the simulation were as follows:
initial number of susceptible people=100,
initial number of infected people=5,
the size of the box where dots were trapped = 80*80,
infectious radius = 3,
the amount of time it takes to recover = 20

This contradiction makes us realize that the models are missing a crucial factor: constant refreshment of susceptible population due to immigrants or newborn child. In this way, we can spot a new factor in the real world, and adjust the model accordingly. This provides a power to predict the future, even in the situation where hardly any past data is available. And that’s the possibility I am going to pursue with the help of coding and physics.

パンデミックは間違いなく 私たちが知っている世界を変えるでしょう。そして、それがどのように変化していくのかについては、多くの憶測が飛び交っています。多くの人は、デジタル化された経済への移行が加速すると言い、大都市への中央集権化が逆転するかもしれないとも言っています。しかし、確かなことは何もありません。そのようなことから、「過去のデータが多い特定の領域では、機械学習でかなり正確な予測ができるかもしれない。しかし、過渡期にある他の領域で予測をしたいとしたらどうだろうか」と考えました。この問題の歴史的な例を挙げてみましょう。



繰り返しになりますが、私が考えていた問題点はそこにあります。変化が起こっている最中であるにもかかわらず、有効な予測をすることができるのでしょうか? できるとしたら、どのようにできるのでしょうか? 私が考えた解決策は、まず、現状に当てはまるモデルを作成し、次に、理論データから実語データの乖離を計算し、最後に乖離の原因となっている要因にスポットを当ててモデルを調整することです。マルサスの場合、確かに未来予測は失敗しまたが、現実のデータと自分の理論を比較することで、産業革命の流れの変化に気づくことができてはずです。そして、それに応じて自分の理論を修正し、より有効な予測をすることができたはずです。






  • 黒い点(感染しやすい人)が赤い点(感染している人)に近づくと、黒い点が感染します。
  • 赤い点は一定時間後に青い点(回復した人)に変わります。
  • それぞれの点は一定の速度で移動します。
  • 人は壁にぶつかるとランダムな方向に偏向します。


The graph on the left(or above on smartphone) is the result of infection simulation using Kermack-Mckendrick model. In order to simulate it in the computer, the difference equation version of KM model was used with the timestepΔt= 0.1. And conditions of the simulation were as follows:
β=0.0001, γ=0.01,
initial value of S=1000,

The graph on the left(or above on smartphone) is the result of infection simulation using MAS. And conditions of the simulation were as follows:
initial number of susceptible people=100,
initial number of infected people=5,
the size of the box where dots were trapped = 80*80,
infectious radius = 3,
the amount of time it takes to recover = 20


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