Pavat Pichetsin
Change, change is exciting, risky, and inevitable. Change happens at every stage of our lives, and this is the case, especially in 2020.
Last year, I was fortunate enough to receive the opportunity to attend TYCA Volume 5. As expected, change was also there: the experience had changed my views on the people of my neighboring countries, the concept of sustainable development and how viable it is, and society in general. I have made new friends, broadened my perspectives, and most importantly, reignited my passion for learning after being inspired by all of the amazing senpais of TYCA Volume 5.
Going from 2019 to 2020, even more change has happened. The coronavirus pandemic shifted the status quo, causing social, economic, and political impacts all over the world. The most relevant impact of all, though, is probably the quarantine: the inability to travel and do social activities mean that people now have to reschedule their entire day, me included. Of course, I was tempted to rest and play all day long, but my lingering urge to learn from TYCA pushed me to start seeking knowledge instead, it allowed me to discover my passions in Mathematics and especially Economics, and allowed me to push myself academically to new heights. Overall, the quarantine had given me the chance to pursue my academic interests and taught me how to manage my time efficiently.
Looking broadly into economies and corporations, COVID-19 will change both Thailand and the world completely. While the new normal pushed organisations into unfamiliar territories, the pandemic revealed many cost efficient ways of conducting business activities, such as remote conferencing. I expect that the post covid world will have less business travel, more modular and personalised work modes, and increased usage of e-commerce.
Of course, these changes have consequences, too. The changes stated above may cause macroeconomic problems such as unemployment, and damages to local businesses who can not cope with covid-19 induced digital transformations that businesses all over the world are experiencing right now. Hence, welfare policies, well-planned stimulus packages, and improvements in education are needed in countries such as Thailand to help them cope with these changes sustainably. Moreover, international bodies, such as ASEAN, have the power to cooperate under frameworks such as ASCC, AEC, and APSC, allowing them to solve societal problems that stemmed from the pandemic. Hence, these international bodies play an important role in helping the world to cope with these changes, as they regulate regions and countries.
status quo will have to change to create a better global society. The youths of this world also have the power to enact positive change in societies post-covid19. In demographic analysis, youths -called the “young dependents”- are arguably the most important population sector. They will grow up to become the economically active citizens who will directly contribute to the economy and the governance of their societies. In recent years, we have seen an increasing interest in promoting progressive change in youths. Many events, such as TYCA and MUN, have allowed youths to speak their minds and work together to actually talk about important global issues. I believe that we can scale these events upwards, and create platforms for youths to work together and create real change. However, there are more youths with great ideas than there are platforms for them to speak, so we must create more opportunities for them first, then we can scale them upwards so that their ideas can be realized.
Other changes include new challenges to achieving SDGs. I am sure that fellow TYCA participants will be very familiar with SDGs. We have learned that many organizations around the world, including the UN, have been pursuing these goals for the betterment of the world, however, the pandemic has been stunting their efforts. In order to combat this, global cooperation must be achieved through innovative solutions. Due to COVID-19, many conservative efforts have been in vain, as plastic masks increase the carbon footprints of people all over the world, hence increasing the need for solutions even further. Organizations should exploit technology to their advantage: remote communication, media, and online petition/survey platforms can be used to work around physical restrictions and work closely with the public. In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in all aspects, both societal and economic. In order to cope with these changes, people, including the youth, and the public/private sector should work together, engaging in proactive activities and using digital platforms to transform their organisations. If done correctly, the post-covid world may be one where society has learned their lessons from the pandemic and adapted them to enrich itself, solving problems on all scales and preserving nature even better through innovations realized after coping with the pandemic. As we can see, while change is frightening and inevitable, we can use change to better ourselves by coping proactively.
グローバル化されたより良い社会を作るためには、現状を変えていかなければなりません。この世界の若者はまた、コロナ後 の社会に良い変化をもたらす力を持っています。人口動態分析では、「15歳以下の若者」と呼ばれる若年層は、間違いなく最も重要な人口層です。彼らは経済活動の中心となる層へ成長し、地域社会で経済的にも統治的にも貢献するようになるでしょう。近年、若者の進歩的な変化を促進することへの関心が高まっています。TYCAやMUNのような多くのイベントでは、若者たちが自分たちの考えを発言し、共に学びます。そして、世界の重要な問題について実際に話し合い、解決策を探ります。私は、これらのイベントの規模を拡大させ、若者たちが協力して真の変化を生み出すための基盤を作ることができると信じています。しかし、素晴らしいアイデアを持った若者の数は、彼らが発言するため場の数よりも多いので、まずは多くの機会を作り、彼らのアイデアを実現できるようにイベントを拡大していく必要があります。